Photo Gallery of Scarecrow Festival - September 2013

The new START at the Village hall

Barbara & Kath in charge of the START

Publicity Charlie

Beware - Scarecrows ahead!

Off road parking worked well

Traffic jams in Pattingham ???

The Childrens Quiz went well

Andy, the live scarecrow cycled from Stourbridge

...more publicity - This one wasn't stolen !

A special day out for school children

Roger Evans' hare... or is it a rabbit ?

The Roberts' Teddy - brilliant !

Our oldest visitor at 102 !

Our youngest visitor ?

...more traffic chaos

Crowds of visitors everywhere

...and here

...and here

...and here

Time for a cuppa and a rest

Liz and dave enjoy a well earned break

some of the hundreds of home made cakes

Even scarecrows in the congregation

Try ringing a church bell...

Who does this remind you of ?

Wilhelm's scarecrow decoration

Beautiful pew ends

...and more

The cake - 1st prize in the raffle

...more raffle prizes

Scarecrow off the Trail Guide

Jill Parker's bride scarecrow

Who's this ?

Nosey old crows...

Woody makes an entrance

...more scarecrows

Lord Lucan... anyone seen him ?

Bob the Builder

The Trail Quiz badge... all 500 were sold !



If you have any photographs which you would like to include on this page, please contact Mike Coope on 01902 700973 or email mike@sensorland.com

Bedlam start their entertainment...

...performing at the Saturday night event





(Photography by Mike Coope)

© Copyright CTP Design - November 2006